What a fun trip!
We left early Saturday morning with our friends Todd and Tracey and headed down to San Diego. It was a long drive and one of those quick trips, but it was worth it. I can't remember the last time we ate out three times in one day and it wasn't even at a fast food place. We stopped in Bakersfield for breakfast at IHOP. Then, we went to the BYU tailgate party. The food was good, but it seemed more like a ward activity than a Tailgate Party. I guess that is what happens when a bunch of LDS people get together with kids and no alcohol. Tracey and I wanted to walk through IKEA. I have never been in an IKEA store and there was one right next to the stadium parking lot. So we went on a little excursion, hiking up a dirt trail to cut over to the IKEA shopping center. I can see how it could be a dangerous thing if we had one in Fresno. After the game we checked in at our hotel.....then it was time for more food. We found a Mexican restaurant with outside seating. It was so relaxing to just sit there and enjoy a late meal without having to worry about how much a babysitter was costing us. We took our time the next day to enjoy breakfast at the hotel and to attend sacrament meeting before heading back on the road to come home.

Marin made a BYU sign and hung it on the rear view mirror of the car the night before we left. We were trying to get a picture of us holding the sign she made with the score on the ticker behind us. Unfortunately the ticker shut off just as Todd was taking this picture for us.
Tracey was so sweet. She went down to one of the BYU cheerleaders on the field after the game and got this picture.
(That is the BYU sign Marin made)
We got to see some friends of ours from when we lived in Riverside. The last time we saw Ivan and Anne Marie was 4 years ago, also at a BYU game in San Diego.
Thank you.......
- Tracey for getting the hotel figured out, taking pictures, and researching church locations.
- Todd for helping with the traffic situation, trivia questions, and for the mints (ha,ha).
- Mondel for taking me for a weekend away!!!!!!
- My mom for watching the kids, getting them to their soccer games, and spoiling them.
- Jenni & Mike for watching Preston and for getting him to his soccer game.
- Katrina & Jason for taking care of Preston and getting him to the Air Jamboree.
- Anne Marie for taking the picture of the 4 of us.