Monday, July 20, 2009

Lessons from a BIG sister....................

I was driving Kirsten and Emma over to a friends to go swimming. Emma was a little upset about going because, as she says she doesn't want the "practice". We have been working on teach the two girls how to swim. Kirsten has mastered it and as her reward got a swimming baby doll.

So, as we are driving to the pool Emma is fussing saying no practice, no swimming baby.....and she just keeps repeating this over and over again.

Kirsten starts talking to her and says, "Don't worry Emma the Holy Ghost will help you." Emma says, "He'll be there?"
Kirsten responds and says, " can't see him he is invisible and he lives in Heaven with Heavenly Father. But he will help you Emma cause he helped me."

1 comment:

Miranda said...

Hi Jen!
I am finally catching up on checking all of my friends blogs. It is so good to "see" everyone, even if it is through the blogging world. What a darling, sweet story. I hope you guys are having a great, soon to be over :( summer!