Saturday, November 15, 2008

Soccer Time

Coach Mondel with his team the "Mighty Cats".
(Marin is #18)

Marin scored 2 goals in this game.

Preston with his team the "Golden Eagles".


Jessica said...

He REALLY need to stop growing...I am afraid he has passed me by and that is just not fair. Thank you, thank you...miss you all so much and I love to see what you have been up to. OH and great job on the header! Where is the picture from?

Anne Marie said...

I love the new picture at the top! I love nature pictures and that one is great! I hope they had fun in soccer this year!

GeorgiaBecksteads said...

For someone who didn't want to blog, your fabulous! I love the pictures! Way to go Marin and Preston!

Jen and Mondel said...

I have gotten a couple comments about the new picture I added to the top of the blog. It is a picture I took of the kids along the Merced River in Yosemite back in May. It is my favorite candid shot of the four of them.